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Cenovis Cod Liver Oil

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Cenovis Cod Liver Oil

Cenovis® Cod Liver Oil provides beneficial doses of Vitamin A and D.
• Supports calcium absorption
• Supports general health and wellbeing
• Supports muscle health
• Supports healthy immune system function
• Acts as an antioxidant, reduces free radicals formed in the body




  • SUPPORTS IMMUNE SYSTEM: Supports healthy immune system function
  • SUPPORTS CALCIUM ABSORPTION: Our formula provides a beneficial dose of Vitamin D which supports calcium absorption
  • SUPPORTS GENERAL HEALTH & WELLBEING: Also supports muscle strength
  • ACTS AS AN ANTIOXIDANT: reduces free radicals formed in the body
  • This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings before purchase, in warnings section below. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional.



Adults: Eye Health: Take 3 capsules twice daily. Immune function: Take 3 capsules three times daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Usage Advice

Adults: Eye Health: Take 3 capsules twice daily. Immune function: Take 3 capsules three times daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Safety Information


Contains fish/fish products and sulfites.



Cod - Liver Oil 275mg, equivalent Vitamin A 72 micrograms retinol equivalents
Colecalciferol (Vitamin D3 27IU) 0.67 micrograms


NO ADDED: Gluten, lactose, sugar, artificial colours, artificial flavours, artificial sweeteners or dairy products

Catalogue Mandatory Statements

Catalogue Mandatory Statements

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

Beauty Product Information

Suitable For

Colds & Immunity + Fish Oil

Packaging Information

Product Packaging Dimensions

Height: 108mm, Width: 54mm, Depth: 54mm, Weight: 117g

Brand Information



Out of Stock

Information sourced from the manufacturer. Always check the manufacturer instructions before using

Contact the pharmacist via Email or call 02 9534 2000 for more information about these products.
This product may not be right for you. Always read the label, warnings and instructions for use, before purchase. Vitamin and Mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
Always read the label. Follow directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your healthcare professional. This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings before purchase.
The Pharmacist reserves the right to not supply contrary to our professional and ethical obligation.
Sunscreen is only used for one element of protection.

Contact the pharmacist for more product information


Please include all concerns you would like to inquire about this product. Please include the following information regarding who this product is intended for: - All prescription and over the counter medications they are currently taking. - All known medical conditions. - All known allergies. - If they are pregnant or breast feeding
Please correct the errors above and try again.

    Contact the pharmacist via Email or call 02 9534 2000 for more information about these products.
    This product may not be right for you. Always read the label, warnings and instructions for use, before purchase. Vitamin and Mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
    Always read the label. Follow directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your healthcare professional. This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings before purchase.
    The Pharmacist reserves the right to not supply contrary to our professional and ethical obligation.
    Sunscreen is only used for one element of protection.